ATK's newest initiative OPERATION KABUKI SMILE was launched in September 2022. This program focuses on Kabuki Syndrome tweens, teens and adults experiencing physical and/or emotional struggles.
Our kids LOVE mail! As we identify patients experiencing hardships like surgery, hospitalizations, loneliness, isolation, etc. we post a Call To Action in the facebook group, requesting active participants reach out to the individual via snail mail. The FB group is made up of Kabuki Syndrome parents and patients of all ages. While parents and siblings are welcome to send mail, we encourage other individuals with Kabuki Syndrome to participate too. Group members can send cards, letters, drawings, coloring book pages or even post it notes to say hello and bring a smile to the face of the recipient.
This group is moderated by volunteers. KS parents and caregivers are invited to join the group HERE. Questions, or to initiate a >> Call To Action << for a Kabuki Syndrome teen / adult you see struggling, email us at: info@allthingskabuki.org.